Municipal Defense Litigation

Municipal Defense Litigation

DeSisto Law has also conducted numerous municipal investigations, interviewing the various parties involved and producing detailed reports synthesizing and evaluating the information gathered.  Some recent cases included allegations of a hostile work environment by a female firefighter against a fire department; abusive treatment by a department head toward department personnel; and complaints by an employee that a supervisor’s conduct violated municipal rules and regulations.

Municipal Defense Litigation

DeSisto Law has extensive experience defending municipalities in Rhode Island. This type of litigation covers a wide range of issues including police misconduct, civil rights, employment discrimination, land use and zoning, education, and personal injury.

DeSisto Law has also conducted numerous municipal investigations, interviewing the various parties involved and producing detailed reports synthesizing and evaluating the information gathered. Some recent cases included allegations of a hostile work environment by a female firefighter against a fire department; abusive treatment by a department head toward department personnel; and complaints by an employee that a supervisor’s conduct violated municipal rules and regulations.

Contact DeSisto Law today for help with your municipal law case.